Gamma+ 3versince ES4 Replacement Blade w/ DLC Ultimate blade & DLC dee – U-NIQUE Barber Supplies

Gamma+ 3versince ES4 Replacement Blade w/ DLC Ultimate blade & DLC deep cutting blade

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  • Regular price £65.00
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*For Absolute Hitter, Evo & Protege Models


  • Our ES4 modified blade delivers the ultimate in precision lining and triple-honed for the sharpest setting. Polished corners deliver the best comfort and is ideal for high-precision, detail-oriented barbers.
  • Compatible with GAMMA+ Absolute Hitter, Evo and Protege trimmer models. Beneath aesthetic mastery lies the ES4 Ultimate trimmer blade. Enjoy razor-like performance with zero biting or irritation. Rip through bulk with a single pass or create the sharpest edge-up with minimum hand pressure. Hand sharpened and filed tooth edge 0.3mm, 2nd generation carbon coating, Rockwell hardness degree 91 units. Zero-gap ready, and compatible with Hitter and Protégé trimmers.
  • Please ensure that the blade is perfectly zero-gapped before using. Blade is extremely sharp, apply minimal hand pressure when lining. Avoid lining in an angle as the cutting blade may strike the neck causing an abrasion to the skin. Properly line at 90-146° degree angle. This angle ensures only the fixed blade strikes the skin. Avoid dragging the trimmer around the neck in a rapid motion for best results. This set includes: fixed deep tooth black DLC blade, deep tooth black DLC moving blade with white runner.

Installation Instructions:

1. Unscrew stock blade and remove from trimmer.

2. Loosen the small screws on the top blade support, but do not remove them.

3. Slide the top blade forward so that the teeth are level with the teeth on the bottom blade hold to top blade in position and tight then screws on the blade support.

4. Add 2-3 drops of oil on the bottom blade before continuing.

5. Reassemble the top blade on the bottom blade and correctly reattach the spring onto the plastic slot of the blade support.

6. Insert the completed blade onto the trimmer. Tighten bottom blade screws to firmly attach the completed blade to the trimmer